Colony Collapse Disorder

A group of scientists in Britain and France have been trying to figure out what causes colony collapse disorder. This is where colonies of bees are mysteriously dying in many countries. There have been theories that it’s caused by parasites, diseases or the disappearance of flowers growing wild in the countryside.

However, the scientists have found that it’s a result of pesticides that are used in more than 100  nations on farms crops and in gardens. The chemicals are sprayed on seeds that are grown for crops of cereals and sunflowers to deter aphids. As the plant grows the pesticide is in every part of the plant including the pollen and nectar. The pesticides damage the way the bees navigate and reduce the number of queen bees. The scientists in Britain found an 85% drop in queen production. This has an effect on the bee colonies ability to survive. Here is the link to the article as it appears on the BBC News – Science & Environment website.

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