Art Class – In the Style of Andy Goldsworthy

Andy Goldsworthy is an artist from Scotland who creates art outdoors using brightly coloured flowers, icicles, leaves, mud, pinecones, snow, stone, twigs, and thorns. After learning about the artist, the students worked in partners to create their own art in the style of Andy Goldsworthy. I was impressed with the creativity the class demonstrated during this learning activity. Below are some photos of their work.


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Musical Instrument – Saxophone

This week Hazel’s dad visited our classroom and he brought his saxophone with him. We learned that the saxophone family was invented by the Belgian instrument maker Adolphe Sax in 1840. Saxophones are usually made of brass and played with a single-reed mouthpiece similar to that of the clarinet. The students enjoyed listening to its unique sound.

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Yarn Sticks and Printmaking

The students in Division 13 have been busy creating beautiful artwork. We used acrylic yarn, wood, beads and feathers to make unique Yarn Sticks. They are hanging on the bulletin board by the gym and in our classroom. We have also been learning the technique of Printmaking. A special thanks to the parent helpers who helped students to make prints using red, green, gold and silver. The prints are hanging on the two bulletin boards right outside of our classroom. If you have some time, please stop by our classroom to see your child’s fabulous artwork.

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Remembrance Day

This year the Royal Canadian Legion has introduced a digital poppy. You can create and purchase a digital poppy at I made a donation and created my digital poppy, which is seen below. The Royal Canadian Legion supports veterans and their families.

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The Lifters – By Dave Eggers

The youth services librarian from the public library made another classroom visit and brought us a new book titled The Lifters by Dave Eggers. We just finished the novel and the class thoroughly enjoyed the story. In class, whenever I stopped reading the students would ask me to read another chapter.

When Gran and his family move to Carousel, he has no idea that the town is built atop a secret. Little does he suspect, as he walks his sister to school or casually eats a banana, that mysterious forces lurk mere inches beneath his feet, tearing up the earth like mini-hurricanes and causing the town to slowly but surely sink.

When Gran’s friend, the difficult-to-impress Catalina Catalan, presses a silver handle into a hillside and opens a doorway to underground, he knows that she is extraordinary and brave, and that he will have no choice but to follow wherever she leads. With luck on their side, and some discarded hockey sticks for good measure, Gran and Catalina might just find a way to lift their town–and the known world–out of danger.

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A Classroom Visitor

At our school we had a contest and the winner receives visits and free books from the Youth Services librarian at the public library. Division 12 was excited to win the contest and the librarian recently dropped by with a new book for our classroom titled After the Fall – How Humpty Dumpty Got Back Up Again by Dan Santat. I read the book to the class and we enjoyed the story and illustrations. We look forward to more visits from the Youth Services librarian.

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A Beautiful Province

I used my drone to film some video in British Columbia. In the lower right hand corner you can click on ‘Enter full screen’. There is also a button where you can select video quality and 1080p is recommended. If you have speakers, there is music that makes the video more enjoyable. Please feel free to leave a comment.

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Aboriginal Education – Button Blankets

Last week, Dawn, an elder from the Aboriginal Education program taught us about the talking stick and talking circle. She is returning to our class on Wednesday to teach us about button blankets and First Nations art. We still need parent helpers to help the students with the needles and thread. Grandparents are also welcome in our classroom.


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Hallowe’en Safety

The local police shared some Hallowe’en safety tips with the students in our school district.
  • See and be seen. Make sure drivers can see you. Wear reflective clothing or place reflective tape on the front and back of costumes and clothing. Make glow sticks part of your costume and carry a flashlight.
  • Are fake swords part of your costume? Make sure they look fake, but remember, some people still may not be able to tell the difference.
  • Safety in numbers. Walk in groups and stay together.
  • Stay on the outside. Never enter a house and only accept treats at the front door.
  • Use crosswalks whenever possible. Visit houses on one side of the street at a time and cross the street only at intersections or at marked crosswalks.
  • Save your treats. Wait until you get home before sampling your treats. Though tampering is rare, a responsible adult should check out all treats and throw away any spoiled, unwrapped or suspicious items.
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